Tuesday, May 31, 2011

In His Own Words: Who Is Frank Ocean?

In His Own Words: Who Is Frank Ocean?

What do you when you move thousands of miles away from home to pursue a career, get signed to a major record label, and nothing happens? If you're Frank Ocean you stop waiting for the powers that be to make a move and take matters into your own hands.

The New Orleans-born, Los Angeles-based singer/songwriter has become one of music's hottest commodities in a matter of weeks—but overnight success never occurs as quickly as it appears. Before his stellar self-released debut, nostalgia,ULTRA.Was clocking downloads at an unprecedented pace, the 23-year-old’s career was held up by obstacles ranging from Hurricane Katrina to industry politics, but those days are over.

This week, WRAP caught up(well not met him) with Christopher Francis Ocean and got the scoop on how he got down with Odd Future, his writing process, and what he thinks of the Drake

He’s Related To Billy Ocean?

He’s Related To Billy Ocean?

Frank Ocean: "Billy Ocean is my uncle. I'm just fucking with you. The name Frank Ocean was born [Ed.—His government name is Christopher "Lonny" Breaux]. Allow me to tell that story another time, but I will say this: I changed my name on my birthday last year. It was the most empowering shit I did in 2010, for sure. I went on LegalZoom and changed my fucking name.

It just felt cool. None of us are our names. If you don’t like your name then change your name. I’m only a few steps into the process, so I probably shouldn’t even be talking about this, but by the beginning of summer I’ll be straight. I’ll be boarding planes as Christopher Francis Ocean."comparisons.

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